Call for submissions for milestones & new beginnings- A non-juried group exhibition celebrating 20 years of peake street collective

Deadline: first-come-first-served! email your intent to participate to asap!


The Peake Street Collective invites artists to participate in a group exhibition at the Hilda Woolnough Gallery in January 2025. This exhibition, titled Milestones & New Beginnings, marks the Peake Street Collective’s 20th anniversary and celebrates This Town Is Small’s first year in their dedicated exhibition space.

We encourage artists to explore and interpret the theme Milestones & New Beginnings in ways that resonate with their lived experiences, evolving artistic practices as members of Peake Street Collective and/or This Town Is Small, or through broader interpretations. Participating artists are asked to create a new work specifically for the exhibition. Please note that as this is a development opportunity, participants are not paid artist fees for Peake Street exhibitions.

how to participate

- Email your intent to participate to

- Artists do not need to be current members to join; anyone can become a member by simply emailing and expressing their intent to participate.

- Submissions will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Once capacity is reached, a waitlist will be created.

- Artworks do not have to be started, but must be completed and ready for exhibition by January 13, 2025.

The exhibition will close with a wearable art dance party to celebrate this milestone year!

about peake street collective

The Peake Street Collective was established in 2005 when ten Island artists began regularly exhibiting new works in a former garage space attached to a private home in Charlottetown.

The grass roots collective’s current 163 artist members are diverse in terms of experience. While the majority are  established and emerging artists, the group also recognizes the importance of fostering the growth of pre-emerging, first-time exhibitors. To this end, Peake Street shows are not juried and artists automatically become members when they participate in group exhibitions or artist challenges.